It's incredibly exciting and easy going.
What is a liquid vibrator and how does it work?
First of all, it's a play on words: the liquid version has nothing to do with the true classic vibrator.
A liquid vibrator is a special stimulating gel. Liquid vibrators, sold in small tubes, are liquid gelatinous masses made up of stimulants such as essential oils or plant extracts. The vibrator stimulates blood flow in the area, such as the clitoris, labia or penis.
After 5-10 minutes, the area begins to tingle and pulsate (this is the effect that allowed the manufacturer to call the stimulating gel a "vibrator"). The skin swells, its temperature rises a little or an unexpected chill runs through it, and the organ itself becomes extremely sensitive to the slightest touch.
How is it better than a conventional one?
Basically, it's just another sexual entertainment. That, however, has some obvious advantages.
It helps people who have trouble reaching orgasm.
Due to the increased blood flow and sensitivity, it is enough to squeeze the hips a few times for the arousal to reach orgasm." You can help yourself with your hands or masturbate with a traditional sex toy.
With a liquid vibrator, orgasm is faster and easier than without it.
Allows diversification of sensations
You will feel the penis or clitoris differently and more intensely than usual.
You can play with sensitivity by applying the liquid vibrator not to the entire organ, but to certain points. If you run your fingers or the palm of your hand over the surface of the penis, or perhaps the labia, prepared in this way, you will feel something completely new.
Easy to carry
A small tube of vibrating gel fits in your pocket or bag. It is very practical when you fly or travel, where you are not prepared to carry your favorite traditional but bulky dildo.
How to choose a liquid vibrator
Here are some tips to make sure you don't regret your purchase:
- Ask your salesperson to show you the most popular options. Ideally, choose a vibrator from a manufacturer whose products (such as intimate lubricants) you have already used and have not been disappointed.
- If possible, take a few samples of vibrators from different manufacturers with you. It is the easiest and cheapest way to find the most suitable product for you.
- If you have allergies, please read the contents of the product carefully. All manufacturers claim to use safe ingredients in their products. If you are allergic to any substance to which you may be allergic, you may skip this step if you notice that the product contains a known allergen.
- If this is your first time buying a liquid vibrator, start with the lowest intensity option. Manufacturers often produce a range of products that vary in the concentration of the active ingredients and therefore the strength of the stimulation.
- Pay attention to the smell. Some vibrators smell neutral, others have fragrances: strawberry, chocolate, mint, ylang ylang, and others. Make sure that the aroma pleases you and does not spoil your erotic mood.
An important point: a liquid vibrator is not a substitute for lubricant. So go with your new device and take a gel lubricant, preferably a universal water-based one.
What you should know before using a liquid vibrator
To avoid disappointment with your new product and to get only pleasure from contact with it, please note the following:
- The tubes of liquid vibrators are tiny. Although its price is proportional to the cost of the usual larger volume lubricants and even exceeds it. However, just a few drops of the liquid vibrator are enough to achieve the effect. It is not necessary to abundantly lubricate the genitals with it.
- You can be allergic to it. Only authorized products can be put on sale, that is, whose safety has been confirmed by experts. However, it is possible that you may have an individual reaction to a particular component of the liquid vibrator. Therefore, test the gel on the flexure of the elbow before use: apply a drop on clean, dry skin and leave it on for at least half an hour. Then watch for 24 hours if there is any itching, severe burning, or extensive irritation. If all goes well, you can use the liquid vibrator for its intended purpose.
- You must be careful with your hands. When masturbating with a liquid vibrator, be careful not to put your fingers in your eyes or touch other mucous membranes. It is not dangerous, but it can be unpleasant. If you get gel in your eyes, wash them out with lukewarm water.
- Oral sex is not an option. Although liquid vibrators usually smell good, they are not designed to be put in the mouth. So you'll have to give up the idea of tickling the gel-warmed clitoris or penis with your tongue.
- You may not feel anything. There is no universal vibrator: what works for some people has no effect on others. To find a liquid vibrator that will bring you to orgasm, you may have to go through several options.
When not to use a liquid vibrator
Do not use the product if you have any irritation or inflammation in the crotch: the accelerated blood flow can spread the infection.
If you are pregnant or have a genitourinary disease, consult your doctor.