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The erogenous zones of girls: how to find and stimulate them correctly

Мужчина целует спину девушке

Often the man completes intercourse considerably earlier than his partner. Non-genital contact foreplay helps increase her sexual arousal and brings her closer to orgasm. In this article you will learn where women's erogenous zones are and how to stimulate them.

What are erogenous zones

An erogenous zone is an area of ​​the body whose stimulation causes sexual arousal. In these areas there are groups of tactile receptors that transmit signals to the sexual centers.

It is not possible to give an exact number of erogenous zones on a girl's body. The average number ranges from 10 to 28. Sexologists claim that the entire female body can be an erogenous zone with proper focus. The reaction to stimulation of one or another zone is individual. It depends on the degree of sensitivity of the receptors in a specific area and on the sexual arousal of the woman herself.

How do they work

During the caress of the erogenous zones, impulses are sent to the genitals, which cause a powerful blood flow. Something similar to a male erection is produced. The internal body of the clitoris, the glans penis, the labia majora, and the vaginal fornix become inflamed. An increase in secretion from the secondary sex glands that provide lubrication begins.

Where are the erogenous zones of women and how to stimulate them correctly

Two groups of erogenous zones are identified based on sensitivity:

  1. Clitoris, anterior wall of the vagina with zone G - the strongest zones.
  2. Second order (wandering): areas of the body near the genitals, nipples, lips, back. These zones are conventionally erogenous, since not all women are turned on by their stimulation.

The stimulation of the first order zones quickly leads to orgasm and is not very suitable for foreplay. The stimulation of the second order zones helps to arouse the woman and to prepare her genitals for the sexual act.


This is a pretty strong erogenous zone. Kissing causes a strong and rapid genital response in many women. The brain triggers a cascade of reactions that release the "happiness hormones": dopamine and oxytocin. Specialists relate this fact to a conditioned reflex developed in childhood: when the baby presses his lips against his mother's chest, he experiences peace and pleasure.

Целует губы

How to stimulate : stroke the outer and inner surface of the lips with the tip of the tongue, suck on them, nibble lightly, pinch your lips, alternating between the upper and lower ones. You can trace the outline with a light touch of your finger.

The lips are a major erogenous zone for many women and define a man's sexuality by his ability to kiss.

For the record, the sensitivity of the lips enlarged by injections practically does not change.

scalp skin

The scalp is full of nerve endings, so scalp massage is a distinct pleasure for both women and men. Massage touches, light pulling of the hair, scattered scratches with the nails... all this causes goosebumps" on the skin, relaxation and increased sensitivity of the genitals."

For a change, you can use a special massage device. Its unexpected use is especially exciting when a woman cannot see what is being touched.

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The neck

The nape and sides of the neck are important erogenous zones. In love movie scenes, men hold the woman by the nape of the neck during the kiss for a reason, running a hand through her hair.

Stimulation methods: finger caresses, scraping, light massage. Touching the occipital cleft with the tongue and lips is especially sensual.



The earlobes have a huge concentration of nerve endings. There are more than 170 bioactive points on the shells, which are connected to various parts of the body, including the genitals.

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Stimulation methods: The earlobes respond actively to the pinching of the lips, the shells to a gentle massage with the fingers. Many women get very excited when a man runs his tongue behind their ears, under their earlobe, whispers or blows lightly.

temples and eyelids

There are pulse points on the temples. They are very delicate and sensitive areas that could well be an erogenous zone.

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How to stimulate : lightly pass your fingers in circular movements. It is relaxing and exciting at the same time. It is not necessary to press, as it can cause a headache.

The eyelids can also be an erogenous zone, but in the case of women it is dangerous to work on them because it can smudge makeup or ruin false eyelashes.

cheeks and forehead

Women greatly enjoy massages in beauty salons. An equally pleasant treatment can also be reproduced at home.


How to stimulate : In addition to kissing, the face can be guided with a soft feather or with the tips of the fingers.


The skin on the neck is very delicate. It also houses a large pulse point, making this area especially sensitive.

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How to stimulate : apply kisses from the chin to the clavicle, use the tongue and fingers. Never "hickeys".


Gentle touches on the shoulders are relaxing and calming. The gentle massage of the so-called neck area increases blood flow, stimulates brain nutrition and -with the right attitude- stimulates sexual arousal. The sensations are especially acute in the transition from the neck to the shoulders, with involvement of the forearms and clavicles.

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Armpits can be tickled in more than one way. It is a very sensitive area. A gentle but firm stroke up and down with your fingertips can bring out an erogenous zone. If a woman is categorically ticklish, there is no need to insist.

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Hands, palms and wrists

The inner area of ​​the hand, from the cubital fossa to the tips of the fingers, can become a robust erogenous zone with the right stimulation. The skin is very delicate and sensitive.

Целует ладонь

How to stimulate : pass the fingertips, nails, tongue from the inside of the forearm to the palm, over each finger, covering the hand with slow kisses from bottom to top.


The stomach is a particularly sensitive erogenous zone. The sensations are multiplied by moving the caresses to the area below the navel. However, not all women like a man to stimulate the belly button with his tongue."

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How to stimulate : caressing with the fingers, guiding with the tongue, kissing. You can use a feather, a piece of ice or whipped cream.


Back massage is very nice in itself. The area between the shoulder blades, the lower back, and the sacrum are considered erogenous zones. The upper back massage has a relaxing effect and the lumbar-sacral area is exciting. It is in the lumbar region that the nerve roots responsible for the sexual arousal of the genitals and their reaction to stimulation pass. Grasping and kneading the upper part of the gluteal muscles is very effective.

How to apply it: Gentle but firm massage strokes to warm you up, then you can move on to kissing, feather stroking, ice-cube gliding.


Most women are aroused by rather rough manipulation of the buttocks: squeezing, slapping. Some men find special points on them, massaging them brings the woman to orgasm."

by pope


breasts and nipples

The nipples are the erogenous point of the breast. During stimulation they harden and increase in size. Stimulation of this area causes a marked reaction of the genitals in 75% of women. Some are even able to orgasm.

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How to stimulate : gently squeeze the nipples with your fingers, lips, make circular movements with your tongue. The degree of intensity depends on the preferences of your partner. Some like it rougher, others smoother. You have to be careful with the bites.

pubis and groin

The pubis and groin are very erogenous zones, but their complete caress is only possible with good waxing. The same goes for the inguinal folds. This area has very thin and sensitive skin, the touch of which excites almost all women.

How to stimulate : you can caress the pubis, squeeze it lightly, kiss it. This action will increase blood flow to the genitals. The transition from the pubis to the inguinal folds, especially with the tongue, provides a stinging sensation.

From the inguinal folds you can move on to caressing the inner thighs. This zone is erogenous for most women."
Девушка с книгой между ног

How to stimulate : caressing, gently massaging, kissing, passing the tongue and fingertips.

Ласкает внутреннюю поверхность бедра


The erogenous zone is not the knees themselves, but the popliteal fossa and part of the calf. Large veins and sciatic nerve endings run through this area, and the skin is thin and sensitive. Not all women respond to stroking in the hamstring fossa, but it's worth a try.

Целует ноги

How to stimulate : caress with the fingertips, caress with the tongue, lips, guide with a feather.

feet and toes

One of the most sensitive erogenous zones is the tip of the toes, especially the one in the middle. Almost everyone enjoys a gentle and relaxing foot massage. The main thing is to "hold" the tickling sensation from the first touches. They must be quite assertive, kneading and rubbing. Then you can move on to softer movements: point massage of the phalanges, caresses with the tongue. Many women are very turned on by sucking their fingers.

Целует стопы


The clitoris is the main and universal erogenous zone of all women, but it is better to start with it last. When excited, the head swells and becomes very sensitive to caresses.

How to stimulate : with a moistened fingertip or tongue and with circular movements. You can gently squeeze the head between your fingers, move the clitoral hood up and down. During caresses, pay attention to the labia minora and the area above the head of the clitoris through which your body passes.


the vagina

The vagina contains other erogenous zones no less active than the legendary G-spot: the U-spot is located just below the urethra. Point A - hidden, about 10-13 cm deep in the vagina, near the upper arch of the cervix. The K point is in front of the G point, on the posterior wall of the vagina.

    How to stimulate : with fingers, lips and tongue. Points A and K can only be reached with a sex toy or a penis. The movements can be from side to side, circular, pressure. The pace depends on the degree of arousal of your partner. The more intense the stimulation, the faster you will reach orgasm. Important: not all women have these active points. Some women find it painful to push the penis deeper, so don't try to find point A by all means.

    The anus and the area around it

    The anus is rich in nerve endings. The area around it (the perineum) is also very sensitive in many women.


    How to stimulate : with the fingertips, with the tongue, with part of a vibrating ring.


    How to find an erogenous zone in a girl - tips for men

    Basic rules: You have to have time, patience and desire. Haste and irritability do not lead to anything good. It is important to discreetly observe your partner's reaction to caresses in different areas. If she doesn't experience any particular pleasure during stimulation of certain zones, don't delay, move on to the next zone. Not all girls know their body well. Many are not even aware that they have other erogenous zones besides the clitoris (because of inattentive men). You have to start with the "innocent zones", creating an appropriate attitude. It is not necessary to look at the woman questioningly after each movement. It is important to let her relax and focus on her sensations. In the article we have given a basic set of zones Which of them will "work" on a particular woman depends on the sensitivity of her receptors and the skill of the man.


    1. Remember that there is no universal set of erogenous zones. For women with little sexual experience or low libido, they not only have to be found, but also awakened.
    2. What pleases one woman may be painful for another.
    3. It is very important that the man is interested and excited in the process, not engaged in fondling and mechanical stimulation.
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