¿Qué le pasa a nuestro cuerpo si no tenemos sexo?

What happens to our body if we don't have sex?

Maybe your luck has run out on Tinder, maybe the pandemic stress killed your relationship, or maybe you just don't feel like it, sex has disappeared from your life and you wonder how that will affect you.

Our organism is designed so that a part of our activity is dedicated to sex. Physical contact and orgasms trigger a lot of positive reactions in our body and in our mind, mainly caused by all the hormones that we secrete during sex and that make us feel very good, such as oxytocin, dopamine or serotonin.

The lack of them is perhaps the trigger for the first effect that we can suffer, an increase in our levels of stress and anxiety.

Due to this, our ability to concentrate and perform at work can suffer a bit. Coming home happy is often the fuel we need to face the workday with energy. If sex fails us, it costs more to start working.

The lower presence of oxytocin in our body makes us more likely to suffer from insomnia, especially if we used to always have sex before going to bed. And according to multiple studies, if we ejaculate less, the chances of suffering from prostate cancer are also greater.

We are also going to miss the physical exercise that we do during sex and this reduction in activity can cause us a greater risk of gaining a few extra kilos and that our cardiovascular health suffers.

Although it is perhaps somewhat less known, sexual intercourse also improves the health of our skin through the sweat generated while we practice it. This sweat helps to clean the pores and prevent, for example, acne. During sex we also generate estrogens, both men and women, which help keep our hair shinier and softer. So our overall appearance may get a bit worse.

Having an active sexual life increases the production of immunoglobulin by 30%, so by losing this extra, our immune system will be affected.

To round off all this, the adaptive capacity of our body, which often helps us cope with difficult situations, in this case will play against us, since by not having sex, we will feel less and less excited and we will think less about it. Our sexual organs, on the other hand, will suffer some atrophy from disuse. Men will be more at risk of erectile dysfunction and women of losing elasticity of the vagina.

How to avoid problems for not having sex?

As we have just seen, most of the problems derive basically from the lack of physical exercise and the endocrine response that our body has before contact and orgasms.

Therefore, the best thing is that if we find ourselves in a sexual drought, we try to stay in shape by exercising and, literally, we try to masturbate regularly to keep our sexual organs active and hormone levels similar to those we have when we have regular sex.

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