15 posturas sexuales seguras y cómodas durante el embarazo

15 safe and comfortable sexual positions during pregnancy

Pregnancy itself is not a reason for sexual abstinence. There are contraindications, but your doctor will tell you right away. The article includes the safest and most comfortable positions to have sex during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have sex with a pregnant woman?

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and there are no risk factors, sexual intercourse can be maintained. The baby is protected by the walls of the uterus and the amniotic bladder, in which it floats until birth. A few slight vibrations will not hurt it. The main thing is not to put pressure on the abdomen and not interfere with circulation.

The libido of a pregnant woman is unpredictable, but for most it behaves as follows:

1 quarter - decreased. Reasons: toxicosis, anxiety, drowsiness, breast pain.

2 trimester - elevated. The body has adapted to the pregnancy, her condition has stabilized.

3 trimester - low. The abdomen has already grown, the baby presses on the internal organs. This causes heartburn and pain, digestive disorders and constant fatigue.

Ultimately, the libido depends on the well-being of the woman and the course of the pregnancy. In general, sexual intercourse during pregnancy is beneficial. It has a positive effect on the female organism and helps her prepare for childbirth.

Benefits of sex during pregnancy with its normal course:

Especially vivid orgasms, which is explained by increased blood flow to the small pelvis and the increased level of sex hormones. Maintain women's self-esteem. Sex allows you to continue to feel desired and loved and to maintain an emotional connection with your man. It is possible not to use a condom. Semen increases the elasticity of the cervix, which is very helpful during childbirth. From week 32, however, it is better to wear a condom, since the prostaglandins in semen can induce contractions and premature labor. Having sexual relations during pregnancy improves the emotional background of the woman. During orgasm the hormone oxytocin is released, which relieves stress and creates a feeling of attachment. But at the same time this hormone stimulates uterine contractions. For this reason, doctors do not recommend having sexual intercourse in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, to rule out the risk of miscarriage. The contracted walls of the uterus can expel the fetus that has not yet been firmly attached. During nipple stimulation, oxytocin is also released, which must also be taken into account to rule out risks.

What are the risks of sex. In addition to the risk of miscarriage, there are other dangers. For example, infection of the fetus if sexual relations are maintained without a condom. Even if the couple is healthy, the woman may have problems with her vaginal flora. Semen, with its alkaline pH, can break its acidic environment and create favorable conditions for the development of bacteria. Therefore, an alternative is to have sex between the breasts.

Contraindications of sexual intercourse during pregnancy

There are a number of conditions in which it is better to refrain from having sex with a pregnant woman:

1. Threat of termination of pregnancy. The most dangerous period is the first 12 weeks.

2. The first month and a half after IVF (artificial insemination).

3. A history of miscarriages. Two previous unsuccessful pregnancies, a direct contraindication to having sexual relations in the third.

4. Placenta previa. During sexual intercourse it can detach, with the risk of fetal death.

5. Isthmic-cesvical insufficiency. With this pathology, the cervix is ​​not able to normally withstand intrauterine pressure and can open prematurely.

6. There is a risk of premature labor, there is leakage of amniotic fluid.

7. Multiple pregnancy. Sexual intercourse is only allowed up to 28 weeks.

If any of the above is present in a woman's medical history, it is best to refrain from sexual intercourse and masturbation.

The 15 best safe positions to have sex during pregnancy

When choosing a position, the pregnant woman should be guided by how she feels. Stiffness, discomfort, or pain is a signal to change your posture. In the third trimester, doctors do not recommend lying on your back because of the pressure on the vessels that feed the fetus. Also, the uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, which can make a woman feel faint. Allowable doctor positions are sideways or on horseback.


How : The woman lies on her side, with her legs slightly supported. The man puts his arms around her and enters from behind.

Pros and cons : It is the most comfortable position for pregnant women. There is no pressure on the fetus, the woman does not exert herself and can freely stimulate the clitoris with her hand. The man is also relaxed. To change the angle of penetration, the girl or her partner can get up. Pillows may be placed under the woman's upper leg for added comfort.

In which trimester : in all.

the Amazon

How : the man lies on his back, the woman sits on top of his genitals.

Your partner can hold you by the hips, caress your breasts or clitoris. How to move in the cowgirl position. Advantages and disadvantages: the woman herself regulates the rate and depth of penetration, she can change the angle of the penis, leaning forwards or backwards, there is no pressure on the abdomen. Not all girls know how to relax in this position, there is a risk of overstraining the abdominals.

In which trimester: in the first two.

inverted horseman

How : the man lies on his back, the woman sits on top of his dick. As he does so, he turns his back to his partner's face and leans on his bent knees. The man's hips provide comfortable support for his abdomen.

Pros and cons: Both the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina are stimulated in this position. The sensations will be very pleasant for girls with a sensitive K spot. The man can massage the partner's loins and buttocks - it is very pleasurable for pregnant women. Minus - the woman can get tired in this position.

In which trimester: the first two.

doggy style

How: The girl kneels with her hands resting on her knees, slightly arching her back. The man enters from behind.

Pros and cons: Does not put pressure on the abdomen, but in the third trimester it can pull down hard, causing discomfort for the woman. For added comfort, you can prop yourself up on your elbows and place a soft pillow under your chest. If it is uncomfortable to stand with your legs apart, you have to bring your knees together, which limits the depth of penetration of the penis.

In which trimester: all.

cross back

How: The woman lies on her side with her semi-flexed leg raised. The man rests between her thighs.

Pros and cons: the woman does not strain the muscles and there is no tension in the abdomen. Cons: the man has to hold on between her thighs to avoid falling on the lower one. Also, you can push your partner into the belly with your knee during the contraction.

In which quarter: the first quarter.


How: the woman lies on her side with her legs semi-flexed. The man is behind her so that his upper thigh is between her legs.

Pros and cons: Both partners are relaxed in this position, but the man has to make sure that his knee does not push into the woman's belly. Not suitable for the third trimester.

In which quarter: for the first quarter.


How: The man lies on his side, raised on the elbow. The woman lies on her back, brings her pelvis as close as possible to her partner's genitals and passes her legs over his thigh.

Advantages and disadvantages: in this position a deep and uncomfortable penetration is excluded. The woman can turn half sideways from the back, putting her legs on the man's shoulders. The abdomen is spared and there is no muscle tension.

In which quarter: mainly for the 1st and 2nd quarters.

Standing against the wall

How: The woman faces the wall, leaning against it with her arms and lower back flexed. The man enters from behind.

Pros and cons: It is one of the best positions for pregnant women, but it can be difficult for a woman to keep her balance and the lower back gets tired. If the partner's penis is modest in size, it will fall off. For comfort, the woman can lean on one knee on a chair or roll chair. The positive side: the man can caress and hug the entire body of his partner.

In which trimester: for everyone.

On the edge of the bed

How: The woman lies on her back with her legs resting on the floor. The man kneels on the floor in front of the bed, lifts his partner's legs over his hips, she crosses them behind.

Pros and cons: The man can lift the woman's legs on his shoulders, moving them from side to side so that the lower back does not tire. There is no pressure on your abdomen, your muscles are relaxed. Minus: The man will knee you if you don't put something soft under it.

In which trimester: for the 1st and 2nd.

sitting in a chair

How: The man sits in a chair, the woman is on his lap.

Pros and cons: The woman moves at the pace she wants. The man can caress her breasts and thighs and kiss her back. Cons: The woman has to strain the muscles of the legs and thighs.

In which trimester: for the 1st and 2nd.

lie face to face

How: The man and the woman lie on the bed facing each other. The woman opens her legs slightly, the man inserts his pelvis and penetrates her.

Pros and cons: The posture is very relaxed for the woman, while the man will have to work his pelvic muscles. If the partner's tummy is already big, he will have to bend his torso at a safe angle.

In which trimester: for all as long as there is no pressure on the abdomen.


How: A woman and a man sit facing each other, interlocking their legs. The couple's ankles are crossed behind their backs. If the active part is the man, his legs must be up. Otherwise, you will have to hold the woman's hips.

Pros and cons: This is an unusual position in the field of tantric sex. Very sensual, tender, but not suitable for men with small penises.

In which trimester: for all, but in the third trimester, the partners should lean back and support themselves on their hands so as not to put pressure on the belly.

On the table

How: The woman lies on a table on a soft blanket or towel, the man steps closer, pulls her hips to the edge, and penetrates.

Pros and Cons: In this position, the man can comfortably control the pace and depth of his thrusts. You can caress your partner's breasts, hips, and clitoris. She is as relaxed as possible, there is no pressure on her belly. If your back gets tired, you can turn on your side.

In which trimester: for everyone, provided that in the second and third trimesters the woman turns on her side.

In the table

How: The man sits on a chair at the table, the woman sits on his lap and leans on the table with her elbows.

Pros and cons: This position is more comfortable for a woman than sitting in a chair. Part of the load is transferred from the legs to the arms. You can get up to give the initiative to your partner.

In which quarter: for the 1st and 2nd quarter.

Half lying on the sofa

How: The woman lies on her side on the sofa, with her legs cantilevered and one of them resting on the floor. The man is behind her.

Advantages and disadvantages: the position resembles that of the spoon, but the angle of the penis changes due to the lower legs. The woman can turn her back on the man and rest her hands on the roll, but without pressing on her stomach.

In which trimester: for everyone.

Safety rules

The safety of the fetus is paramount in sexual intercourse with a pregnant woman.

The basic rules are:

Do not push or press on the belly. Avoid deep penetration and intense friction.

Do not use dildos or penis extensions.

Do not stimulate the nipples so as not to cause a release of oxytocin.

Use condoms to reduce the risk of dysbiosis and vaginal infections.

Use sugar-free and hypoallergenic aqueous lubricants to avoid chafing and micro-trauma.

It is advisable to avoid intercourse 2-3 weeks before delivery, unless it is necessary to induce labor.

All positions in which the woman has to tense the abdominal muscles and there is pressure on the abdomen are prohibited. The missionary position should be avoided as it can cause the man to fall on top of his partner. From the middle of the second trimester it is better not to lie on your back. You can turn sideways and halfway.


Sex during pregnancy is allowed and beneficial if there are no contraindications.

It is important to be careful: do not push or squeeze the abdomen, monitor the well-being of the pregnant woman.

At the appearance of pain and discharge should immediately call the doctor.

If any position, even the recommended one, causes discomfort, it should be abandoned.

It is advisable to consult the position with the doctor responsible for the pregnancy. Only he knows the specific position of the woman's genitals and can assess the risks to the fetus.

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