15 zonas erógenas del hombre

15 erogenous zones of men

The erogenous zones of men they include from the mouth and lips, passing through the neck, the crotch, to the scrotum ; without forgetting the male G-spot.

Some of these pleasure areas They are different from those of women , because the reproductive organs and other parts of the body differ. However, you may be surprised to find out that not everything is limited to stimulating the penis.

Get closer to the male erogenous zones, those wonderful places of pleasure that you could be missing. In this article you will find out what they are.

What are erogenous zones?

The skin is generally quite sensitive to external stimuli, both in terms of temperature changes, textures and other sensations. In fact, some research claims that stimulation of almost any area of ​​the body can trigger sexual arousal .

Nevertheless, there are points where more nerve endings are concentrated . Even, beyond tactile sensitivity, in the location of the areas erogenous can intervene other factors of a very diverse nature, both cultural and personal, according to perceived attributes or attractiveness.

Now, since the ways to reach orgasm can be diverse , it is also important, in addition to intercourse, the stimulation of these erogenous zones, thus contributing to the greatest pleasure of the couple.

In the case of men, enjoyment has traditionally been associated with the penis , either through penetration or through oral sex. However, today it is known that it is possible to seek and find pleasure elsewhere, that is, in the male erogenous zones.

What are the erogenous zones of men?

In some cases the sensitive points of the man can coincide with the erogenous zones of the woman ; but in others not, since there are parts that are definitely different. Let's see.

1. Ears

In the ears there are quite a few endings. From the point of view of sexual stimulation, Many men love it when this area is touched . And while this is often a forgotten area, it can help to calm or excite you, as the case may be.

  • Simply place your thumb and forefinger where her earlobe meets the tissue near her face.
  • So, pull down gently and let your fingers slide so you can start over.
  • Cover him with sexy words and lick his earlobes to turn him on.

Whether you use your fingers, lips, or teeth, be gentle and you will surely get a satisfying result.

2. Lips

The thing about kissing is that you should never take it for granted, but savor every moment. It's the passion conveyed that turns him on and puts him in the mood for a night of wild sex . And if you want more pleasure, brush the tip of your tongue with his .

3. Nape and neck

Using a feather, fingers, or any light touch on the neck or clavicle area can increase your arousal.

  • Stimulates two areas at the same time . For example, lightly rubbing his neck or nibbling on an earlobe, while also sliding your hands to the south.
  • Think creatively about the combination. Some men love it when you gently run your nails just below the hairline.
  • And if you're a little tense, a neck massage can help you relax , applying a little acupressure to reduce stress symptoms.

4. Lower abs

The area of ​​the abdomen between the belly button and the pelvis is a fun area to tempt him. Start with your belly button and move your hands to the south. As the blood flows to the pelvis and the sexual tension builds, he will be more eager for you to reach his penis.

On the other hand, if you dare to move from the genitals to other areas and then back to the lower abdominals, you will generate sexual tension throughout the body, which will keep the passion burning . Remember that foreplay is what makes sex an adventure.

5. Inner thighs

Another of the erogenous zones confessed by men are the muscles on the inner side of the thigh, in the so-called femoral trigone. Think of these muscles as "gift wrapping." Playing in this area can put you in a good mood .

  • Slowly move your fingertips up and down your inner thighs.
  • Follow the contour of the cleft of her thigh, sensually moving your index and middle fingers up and down this hot spot.
  • Deliver a few light strokes, before pressing your palm into the upper thigh, starting again with your fingers.

6. Chest

Although the chest may not be as sensitive in men as it is in women, some feel great pleasure when their nipples are touched or even sucked on .

According to research, more than 50% of men report that nipple stimulation causes or increases their sexual arousal. So now you know. You can put an ice cube in your mouth. You will surely scream in surprise!

7. Back

The back is a large erogenous zone, as wide as it is sensitive. Caress it gently, letting your hands run from shoulder height to the waist.

8. Sacrum

The sacrum is that little triangle at the end of your spinal cord , just over your butt. Try to pet it or run your fingers or nails over it. You will take him by surprise and he will appreciate the spontaneity.

9. Buttocks

The buttocks or buttocks are also quite sensitive to stimulation. Pet him, if he agrees; if not, you can spank him a couple of times, pinch him and do other mischief .

10 foot

Feet have always been the object of a particular fetishism, giving them a sexual connotation. And it is that they have many nerve endings, and that is why it can be exciting to stimulate them .

So when your man comes home tired from work, you will help him relax a lot by taking off his shoes and giving him a massage. Dare to caress them, and even kiss them!

11. Penis

The penis is known to be the most sensitive male erogenous zone. However, It is not just one, but there are four places that you can stimulate . Also, each of these areas needs a different type of stimulation to get the best out of them:

  • The head responds better to friction, suction and heat.
  • He axis , especially the lower side, reacts to caress and friction.
  • He raphe , located just below the head at the bottom. It is incredibly sensitive to men, and it can be very exciting to touch it with the tip of your tongue.
  • The base it is the least sensitive part of the penis, so a little pressure is needed instead of light blows.

Yes indeed, You must be firm when stimulating, but also do it gently , to avoid any injury to the penis.

12. Scrotum

Many women are under the misconception that the testicles are hot spots for men; but the truth is that They are not the testicles, but the scrotum : the tissue that surrounds them.

In fact, if you focus on the testicles, it can be quite painful for him. That means it is crucial to handle this area gently . For added pleasure, go along the line that runs down the center.

13. Perineum

The perineum is the area between your scrotum and the anal opening, which is at the opposite end of your prostate. This means that when you gently massage it, you can indirectly stimulate the G spot .

Be careful though, your man might also be against crossing that line; so proceed slowly and read their reactions. Better yet, ask him if he likes it and if he wants to go further.

14. G spot in man

The G spot in men is the prostate, a gland located behind the testicles. Stimulating this organ can make an orgasm much more powerful .

However, despite being one of the erogenous zones of man, because it is inside, it is not easy to reach . According to a 2018 study, there are several ways to stimulate it. The most effective would be introducing a finger through the anal opening.

Perhaps not many would agree with this form of stimulation, so you should talk to him beforehand, to see if he accepts . And if it is positive, take the forecasts of the case, which includes lubrication and hygiene practices, typical of anal sex.

15. The mind

Believe it or not, the brain and mind are also powerful erogenous zones in men. Therefore, you should not leave them aside when having a sexual encounter.

Whisper something sexy or daring in his ear , this will stimulate him both physically and mentally and help to raise the temperature in bed. Talk, tell him how much you like him, tell him your fantasies. And you'll see what happens!

Enjoy and stimulate your man's erogenous zones

It's always sexier when you know you're driving your partner crazy with pleasure. Find out how to push the buttons in these erogenous zones of man not so obvious.

If they are stimulated correctly, the orgasms will be more powerful and therefore, the sexual life will be better than ever, since orgasm is the relief of sexual tension.

This can be done by gradually increasing and varying the touch and pressure at the various passion points. Therefore, lick, bite and then add sensations of heat or cold when sucking on an ice cube or drinking hot tea they are very stimulating. Enjoy it!

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Mariel Mendoza .

Written by Editorial Team

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